Friday, August 13, 2010

What the heck... This aint me?!?!?

You know what is the funniest part of a Blog or a diary? When you read an entry say which is one year old... You realize that this is not me... How could I have written this? Although the best part is you have a snapshot of how you were. You always have a point of comparison and a scope for improvement. When you are going somewhere in life you barely realize which direction is that but once you pen it down there is still some scope to look back... because as Steve jobs said” the dots in life can never be joined forward but once you look back at the things you see all has been a plan and whatever you did however miniscule was used and was indeed a part of the plan”

The amazing part I have realized about writing in a blog is you spend time with you. You can talk about yourself and still not be called self obsessed , you can talk for hours and your companion ( That is you ) Will not get bored, and the audience would be very focused , The people who would read your blog would actually want to read it and not just be hearing and not listening as they may do in real physical life( Referred to as RPL from now on .. Funny no I have wasted more words in writing this than I would have wasted in writing Real Physical life maybe ten times lol ). You may get away with some irregularities, you are not afraid of being yourself (Although that should be true in RPL as well).

Now lets move from you and come to me since this is MY BLOG( My Shivani Laugh ( NM GB’s if you are reading would get this..Ms Kumra pls don’t mind you know I created a dot for you as well gives you a reason to look at my blog maybe ten years down the line).I was called a gasometer in college for the fact that I could gas any amount on any topic for as much long and make sense to a few who had their tummies filled with the OH functional group. But recently this capacity has reduced due to reduced time and little scope for imagination... Jobs do kill you but still they are referred to as “what we do for a living “ LOL.. Anyways today I got time and wote this blog post just to have a dot which I could look back maybe a year later and realize this ain’t me...

PS: Gasometer is a term filed under the IPR. Can only be used to refer to a person who can make people high on words, much more than any form of drug or anesthetic can!!

1 comment:

Skumra said...

:) Keep it up Ani!!! u rock!!! c!! i taught u how to be self obsessed ;)