They say if we clone hitler and put him under different external environment from what he would have lived in as a kid he would not grow up to be a dictator, A person is a product of his experiences and who is more important in formulating these experiences than our parents , especially the mother. The role of a father is a support function to assist the mother in creating a stimulating environment for the growth of the kid( Taking nothing from the father away , but I think the mother has a far more important role to play in overall development of the kid.
When I was a kid I was always instigated to come first, fight it out, never give up , fight every adversity , never say no, be empathetic towards other human beings and animals. I did not realize how this became a part of my personality and I now appreciate the efforts my mom took to always correct me by going however far she can.
I remember the n no of conflicts when I had my own value system developing and there were differences between mine and hers, still there are and well I always had a middle path or my path :) but then a mothers' opinions are always very honest and she would have no bias and say it right from her heart, and as we know the heart pumps the blood to the brain to make it work well , it's much stronger and there is no better source of opinion..
I would have written books on this but I think we all know what I have to write, and their would be redundancy … I just want to wish all mothers a very happy mothers day on this day and keep up the good work..
Awesome read... Do you mind if i go ahead n share d link on facebook...?? I'm sure many of us will relate to this one...
hey amruthaa.. funny but i read this comment rt now.. i would not mind at all but i guess the mother day is gone.. if you still wanna do it go ahead..
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